Wednesday, July 13, 2011



July, 13, 2011



I am writing this letter to you today to bring to your attention a grave matter that concerns all of the Citizens of your County and all of the Counties across The United States and to ask that as Sheriff you step in and uphold your Oath of Office. As put forth in the Tenth Amendment of the Original United States Constitution you have jurisdiction over the Federal Government (they do not have it over you), you are the highest Law in this Country. Please read AND consider your action to protect the Constitutional rights of your Citizens, your State and your Country. You and your oath to defend the Constitution is our LAST hope. We feel our present federal Government has declared war upon us all! We are in fear from our present Government and are asking that you please help us save this Country.

Over the past several months we the Citizens of The United States of America have been witnessing our rights guaranteed by the United States Constitution being stripped away from us and Our Constitution being torn in two. We feel the present Federal Government is attacking the Citizens of this great Country and threatening our very existence. From the tremendous amount of spending by the Federal Government against our will, bail outs of big banking, auto industries etc., funds allocated to other Countries, many of which we are not aware of until after the fact; and against our cries of NO! Government Run Health Care that WE DO NOT WANT and which will be devastating to the Citizens, County, State and Country. The American Clean Energy Act of 2009 which statistics show will devastate the American Citizen and break the States and Country respectively. They have taken the funds allocated to our troops overseas for maintenance, repair and replacement of arms, artillery and basic necessities and are using them in “pet” projects of their own! Leaving our Military without reinforcements and the basic means to protect themselves (THIS IS AN ACT OF WAR ON OUR MILITARY), as you are reading this letter our troops are dying! Now in just a matter of several weeks (if that) these people that are controlling our Country and acting against our best interest are going to Cede us to the UN and introduce Sharia law, overwriting our present law and The Constitution Of The United States, leaving us with No Rights, No Freedom and No Country. Once we are ceded to the UN we are NO LONGER The United States Of America, our children, property rights and Constitution will be gone forever! There is NO Recourse but YOU! The list of actions against this Country and her People is very extensive, this just covers a few. In addition the American Media has chosen not to inform the Citizens of this Country on what is really happening to our Country, and to us, leaving us intentionally uninformed and dividing the people of the United States.

We have been crying out for help for months now, only to be ignored! The Sheriffs of this Country are our only hope of survival! You alone have the power and jurisdiction to stop this nightmare and atrocity against this Nation! Please come to our aid! Please take the power that was given to you by our forefathers and use it! Please uphold the Oath you took when we elected you and you were sworn into office! Please save our Country!

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