Monday, July 18, 2011


I said at the time, "This is all wrong and Nancy Pelosi is hiding something." Well now the congerssional record sets out some very revealling information.
We are already at war for our freedom and you can't hear a round being fired anywhere.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011



July, 13, 2011



I am writing this letter to you today to bring to your attention a grave matter that concerns all of the Citizens of your County and all of the Counties across The United States and to ask that as Sheriff you step in and uphold your Oath of Office. As put forth in the Tenth Amendment of the Original United States Constitution you have jurisdiction over the Federal Government (they do not have it over you), you are the highest Law in this Country. Please read AND consider your action to protect the Constitutional rights of your Citizens, your State and your Country. You and your oath to defend the Constitution is our LAST hope. We feel our present federal Government has declared war upon us all! We are in fear from our present Government and are asking that you please help us save this Country.

Over the past several months we the Citizens of The United States of America have been witnessing our rights guaranteed by the United States Constitution being stripped away from us and Our Constitution being torn in two. We feel the present Federal Government is attacking the Citizens of this great Country and threatening our very existence. From the tremendous amount of spending by the Federal Government against our will, bail outs of big banking, auto industries etc., funds allocated to other Countries, many of which we are not aware of until after the fact; and against our cries of NO! Government Run Health Care that WE DO NOT WANT and which will be devastating to the Citizens, County, State and Country. The American Clean Energy Act of 2009 which statistics show will devastate the American Citizen and break the States and Country respectively. They have taken the funds allocated to our troops overseas for maintenance, repair and replacement of arms, artillery and basic necessities and are using them in “pet” projects of their own! Leaving our Military without reinforcements and the basic means to protect themselves (THIS IS AN ACT OF WAR ON OUR MILITARY), as you are reading this letter our troops are dying! Now in just a matter of several weeks (if that) these people that are controlling our Country and acting against our best interest are going to Cede us to the UN and introduce Sharia law, overwriting our present law and The Constitution Of The United States, leaving us with No Rights, No Freedom and No Country. Once we are ceded to the UN we are NO LONGER The United States Of America, our children, property rights and Constitution will be gone forever! There is NO Recourse but YOU! The list of actions against this Country and her People is very extensive, this just covers a few. In addition the American Media has chosen not to inform the Citizens of this Country on what is really happening to our Country, and to us, leaving us intentionally uninformed and dividing the people of the United States.

We have been crying out for help for months now, only to be ignored! The Sheriffs of this Country are our only hope of survival! You alone have the power and jurisdiction to stop this nightmare and atrocity against this Nation! Please come to our aid! Please take the power that was given to you by our forefathers and use it! Please uphold the Oath you took when we elected you and you were sworn into office! Please save our Country!

Monday, July 11, 2011


Mob mentality in the streets rebelling against legally elected government authority: Government prosecutors rigging evidence to convict innocent people because it is politically expedient for them to be re-elected: Entertainment personalities publicly degrading and insulting innocent people with off hand characterizations: Hypocrite so-called-ministers demanding justice or mercy when it suits their pocketbook. It is a time “When every man does that which is right in his own eyes.” Moral authority has been relegated to the “feelings” of the individual and America is wondering why it is in the mess it’s in.

We have developed into such an adversarial society that many of our children are becoming combat veterans before they graduate from High school. With these events, we can look for another round of "gun control laws" being made. There may be more things that need to be done to keep guns out of the hands of the irresponsible, but I always get nervous about the congress-critters passing laws under duress. GOD knows they have enough trouble getting it right when it's just day to day business. They don't need the additional pressure.

The problem we face here is not about guns. It's about authority. If gunpowder had never been invented, this controversy called "gun control" would be called "bow and arrow control" or "sling and rock control". Guns, spears, arrows etc. don't kill people. People kill people. Don’t try to laugh that off. The truth will set you free. Remember, “If guns cause violence,” then the same reasoning says “spoons made Rosie O‘Donnell fat.”

Face the real issue. It's about "authority". We have taught "rights and entitlements" over "responsibility and earning your way" for so long, that any attempt to make people act responsible looks like a violation of someone's rights. This brings about rebellion. When an individual person makes a choice to end another person's life, they have taken on authority that they don't have. To assume this authority a person has to come out from under and throw off all socially established, parental and civil authority. This is called rebellion and at this level it usually is not the first time rebellion has been seen in this individual's life. One does not make one giant step from being in total submission and obedience to parents, school official and civil authorities, to walking into a building and shooting down anyone who moves.

Influences in our lives will either move us toward being good or move us toward being evil. When you add together the effects of gangsta’ rap and Goth heavy metal - the other music-videos, and the impact of violent video games, you end up with a rebellious worldview. Add to this television's amplified teaching of one's right to assert their preferred perversion and the prevailing notion that "freedom" means "no moral restraint" you end up with rebellion as a standard attitude. Immoral behavior becomes funny or cute, thereby becoming common place and acceptable. As for the music and videos, allow your children to pour garbage into their minds, after awhile you get garbage out. Children are not being taught to properly claim their rights by submission to higher authority. They are learning everything they learn from the cursing, fighting and immoral lives of the adults in the rebellious and broken homes they are growing up in.

Most families and mschools hardly even teach on "moral freedom" any more. Moral freedom is not the right to do whatever your glands tell you to do; it is the power of a disciplined life that gives you the strength to do what you know is right.  Remember back when we allowed a hand full of progresive liberals to throw the Bible out of our schools? Now you hear people ask, "Where is GOD when all of this shooting takes place?" He's out there where you threw Him years ago when you became so progressively enlightened that you didn't need His influence in the lives of your children any more. Is it really any wonder what all is being played out before us?

People must be under the authority of an absolute standard of right and wrong for character training. We do not come into this world desiring to respect and acknowledge the rights of the people around us. Children must be taught that other people are not just props to complete the stage of their life. Next, people must be under authority for the sake of their own conscience. The most frustrated and miserable people you know are the ones who always find a way around discipline and authority. They go through life making excuses and shifting blame on to someone else for their bad choices.

To accept authority is to accept responsibility for obedience. People who have no discipline hold other people responsible for their happiness and when life fails to meet their implanted desires and expectations, they blame others, grow to hate authority even more and then go off like volcanoes damaging all of us.

There are three places for you to learn about authority. First, there is the family. It was here that responsibility for obedience was established. It is the first place to start learning to live under authority. Parents can't say, "I'll wait till they start school and let the teachers discipline them". You can't afford to wait till they are old enough to understand. Please, parents, don't tell children to do something if you are not going to make them do it. They just grow up doubting the orders of all who will be in authority over them, even those who may be trying to give them instructions that could save their life. The next place is the government. No, it is not school. School is there to educate them about the government's authority over them, not fix social issues or teach discipline. The basic two functions of government authority is to restrain or punish evil actors and to protect and reward those who do good.

Obedience is the moral freedom to live a creative life under the protection of society's appointed authority while conforming to their rules of order. If you are having trouble with these words: "Obedience", "Authority" and "Submission" then you are part of the problem and until you change your attitude you'll never be part of the solution.

Why do you have so much trouble with this basic knowledge of order? Our head functions as authority in relation to our bodies to provide protection, provision and give direction to our lives. It is the same purpose and benefits for being under authority. To do anything else is to be out of your head. The Bible speaks to this in, "Children obey your parents in the LORD, for this is right. Honor your father and mother, which is the first commandment with promise: that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth.

No kidding, look around you, how well are things with us personally and as a nation. How much longer can man live on this earth?

Saturday, July 2, 2011


TSA “Security Exercise” Covers 3 States, 5000 Miles
By Joseph Watson

If you’re still living under the delusion that the TSA is just restricted to airports then think again. A joint VIPR “security exercise” involving military personnel has Transportation Security Administration workers covering 5,000 miles and three states, illustrating once again how the TSA is turning into a literal occupying army for domestic repression in America.

The TSA, in alliance with a whole host of federal, state, local agencies as well as military personnel, is currently conducting a massive “security exercise” throughout Ohio, Kentucky and West Virginia.
“The participating teams are composed of a variety of TSA assets including federal air marshals, canine teams, inspectors and bomb appraisal officers. They will be joined by state and local law enforcement officials to supplement existing resources, provide detection and response capabilities. The exercise will utilize multiple airborne assets, including Blackhawk helicopters and fixed wing aircraft as well as waterborne and surface teams,” reports the Marietta Times.

Although the exercise is couched in serious rhetoric about preparedness, it relates to “no specific threat” and the details are nebulous to say the least and seems to revolve around little else than testing out high-tech surveillance equipment and reminding Americans who their bosses are.
“In addition to using three helicopters for aerial inspection, the exercise made use of the Ohio Highway Patrol’s camera-equipped Cessna Caravan, which is capable of transmitting close-up, detailed real-time images of objects on the ground taken from more than five miles away,” reports the Charleston Gazette.

The exercise seems to be about little more than a show of force by the TSA in light of a massive resistance against their agenda, particularly in Texas where a recent bill that would have banned invasive TSA grope downs almost passed and is set to be up for debate again.
Michael Cleveland, federal security director for TSA operations in West Virginia admitted as much when he said the event was about letting, “people know we’re out here.”

As we have documented, TSA grope downs and body scans are now being rolled out on highways, street corners, train stations, bus depots, public buildings, at sports events, and even at local prom nights as part of the VIPR (Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response) takeover of the country.
Forget the airports, the TSA has already spread its tentacles to invade almost every public facet of American society.

President Obama’s promise to create a domestic “security force,” that is “just as powerful, just as strong” as the US military is now coming to fruition as the TSA expands to turn American into a checkpoint-festooned hellhole where constant fearmongering about terror threats is the justification for the construction of a Sovietized police state. (Marxism at it’s finest)

Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show.

People, can you NOT see what is being done to America...this is going to be your children and grandchildren who will be owned and "milked" like cows and sheep. Don't you care enough to get off your butt and get into the fight to take America back from the Marxist and Muslims?
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Friday, July 1, 2011

I’m not kidding you, “Butch” really said that America needs citizen spies.

Homeland Security head, Janet “Butch” Napolitano, continued her campus tour in a recent stop at NYU Law School where she gave a speech about the state of security as we approach the 10-year anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, and following the announced death of Osama bin Laden.

In her speech Napolitano lays out a sweeping surveillance agenda that includes citizen spies who have a mission of "shared responsibility" to thwart "Core" al-Qaeda, foreign groups "inspired by" al-Qaeda, as well as domestic "extremist" groups, which apparently include an increasing number of plots by U.S. citizens. She added that "there is no single portrait" of today's potential terrorist, citing recruiting tactics "including Hip Hop videos, if you can imagine that." And, naturally, cyberspace. Each of the four key ways that she stated as critical to Homeland Security's mission will widen the Stasi-style network of unpaid employees of the State virtually deputized to spy on their neighbor in the private and public sector and issue reports to the DHS federal security matrix.

Strengthen the nation's 72 fusion centers, which coordinate with local police, businesses, churches, universities and more in a cooperative effort to federalize local communities.

Continue the expanded use of Suspicious Activity Reports (SAR), initially used for IRS reporting and for businesses to alert government officials to large cash purchases at their establishments. The new initiative will cover all sectors that will share back to DHS.

 Launch the National Terrorism Advisory System to replace the general color-coded terror alert system and set up a "base level" high risk, which will be augmented with specific messages. One component of this new system that she does not address is that it will be directed toward the individual by utilizing a text messaging system, as well as social networks to issue government statements and warnings (or propaganda).

Continue expansion of a national "If You See Something, Say Something" campaign that began with the NY Metropolitan Transit Authority, and kicked off at private businesses like Wal-Mart whereby people can receive ongoing messages via telescreens in government buildings, private businesses and public areas, then report on anyone for any reason without consequence for false reports.

She also predictably suggests that the counter-terrorism apparatus is a useful tool that can save citizens in need of rescue from natural disasters. More likely, it is the roll-out of soft martial law that will create a permanent state of fear, suspicion, false arrests, police brutality, and the end of the American republic in the same fashion that led to the end of every society that chose the path of security over freedom.
For those who do not know it, this is "old-line-Marxism"...having people report on their family and friends...A nation is at the bottom of the barrel when it has to turn to making citizens turn on each other, so that they can remain in control. That is a sure sign that they KNOW they are using "usurped authority"; that they are an illegitimate government.


Which is the right approach during this Independence Day…celebrate or pray?

There is reason to celebrate based on the God fearing sacrificial efforts of our Founding Fathers, their Declaration of Independence and follow on US Constitution, and the willing sacrificial blood of millions of patriots over 235 years which knitted a fabric of freedom and liberty unknown in the human world.
There is also urgent reason to pray given America is now under a despotic thumb, the moral compass guiding America is without conscience, aliens are devouring our strength, idol worship in the forms of wealth and power, corruption and immorality abounds throughout, and preying on one another is without apology.
Hypocritical political leaders have shredded our constitution, divided our nation with “smooth, tricky, treacherous, slippery, deceitful, unreliable speech” and done so with unabashed fervor that reflects evil of the worst dimension. The solemn oath leaders take is a meaningless Performa exercise for most, and neglected without guilt by practically all.
American government has sanctioned the killing of our helpless, abandoned God to the point of forbidding the word God or Jesus during burial services of our warriors in a veterans cemetery. America today should take note of Israel’s sad past experience and the high price paid for forsaking God.
Our American flag symbolizes our nation, it’s strength, freedom and liberty. During times of right direction it is flown with the 50 stars in the upper left corner. In times of “distress” and “grave danger” the US flag is flown with the 50 stars in the lower left corner…this Independence Day I will pray and fly my flag in “distress” mode.
Harry Riley, COL, USA, Ret
111 Overview Drive
Crestview, FL 32539