Monday, August 1, 2011


You Just Think You Know What They Said

In response to the talks going on about the “debt Ceiling”, the American people just think congressmen mean actual spending cuts when they refer to spending cuts. All the spending cuts they are planning and arguing over are cuts to future spending plans, accommodations to the ever-expanding government bureaucracy. Nine hundred billion dollars over ten years is a meaningless drop in the budget. Democrats, bureaucrats and Obama can then continue to spend trillions every year? What a joke, no, an insult. It's really time to first, freeze spending, then start eliminating departments." In other words, “We are NOT really going to stop over-spending more than we have coming in, we are only going to over-spend at a lesser rate!” No kidding, that’s what they are doing to you…

Faith & Family

"Texas Republican governor and potential presidential candidate Rick Perry will headline a 'Call to Prayer for a Nation in Crisis' on Aug. 6 at Reliant Stadium in Houston. ... While wringing their hands and even threatening legal action against the Aug. 6 gathering ... the ACLU of Texas and its fellow ideological travelers have said nothing about another prayer meeting that took place last week in the White House. Here is how Jim Wallis of the liberal Christian magazine 'Sojourners' described that meeting on his website: 'I, along with 11 other national faith leaders, met with President Obama and senior White House staff for 40 minutes. We were representing the Circle of Protection, which formed in a commitment to defend the poor in the budget debates. Sitting in the Roosevelt Room of the White House, we opened in prayer, grasping hands across the table, and read scripture together. We reminded ourselves that people of faith must evaluate big decisions on issues like a budget by how they impact the most vulnerable.' ... If this had been a prayer meeting hosted by conservative evangelical leaders with President George W. Bush in attendance and the prayers were about conservative social policies, one can safely predict how liberals would have reacted. But since this was about maintaining government spending for social programs favored by liberals, these prayers were no problem for them." --columnist Cal Thomas
The Last Word

"Back in 1953, the NAACP waged a campaign against CBS and the Blatz Brewing Company. The purpose of the proposed boycott was to get 'Amos 'n' Andy' knocked off the tube because, the pinheads complained, it portrayed blacks in a stereotypical fashion. The network and the beer company caved, and just like that, black cast members Spencer Williams, Amanda Randolph, Johnny Lee, Nick Stewart and the marvelous Tim Moore, joined the ranks of the unemployed. Yet, here it is, 58 years later, and you don't hear the NAACP griping about such embarrassing stereotypes as Maxine Waters, Bobby Rich, Barbara Lee, James Clyburn, Melvin Watt, Jesse Jackson, Jr. or Sheila Jackson Lee, serving for decades in the House of Representatives. If, as I've heard, a nation of sheep breeds a government of wolves, I think it's fair to say that a nation of black sheep breeds a government of really ignorant, self-serving, wolves." --columnist Burt Prelutsky