Thursday, June 30, 2011


I have no idea how the rest of you are going to deal with this, but I'll bet I can get more people to go to jail with me than they can arrest.
Folks, it just may be past time to start shooting...It appears that the VA is trying to take this month’s idiot trophy away from TSA!
I flat REFUSE to abide by this ruling and I double-dog dare anyone to do anything about it! BTW, a federal judge's ruling will make no difference to me either. What part of, “Nor prohibit the free exercise of” is not clear to these nimrods?
HOUSTON – Local veterans say the Department of Veterans Affairs is consistently censoring their prayers, banning them from saying the words “God,” and “Jesus” during funeral services at Houston National Cemetery.
Three separate organizations have come forward complaining the cemetery’s director and other government officials are violating the First Amendment. Members from the Veterans of Foreign Wars, The American Legion and the National Memorial Ladies all complain of “religious hostility” at the cemetery.
On Tuesday they told a federal judge what’s been going on there.
“People are doing things out there that I feel like they shouldn’t be,” said Jim Rodgers, a Vietnam veteran.
“We are private citizens in a private organization, and yet we are restricted from saying what our ritual calls for,” said John Spahr, Veterans of Foreign Wars.
A 26-page complaint outlines the allegations. According to the court papers, the cemetery’s director, Arleen Ocasio, bans the word “God” and requires prayers to be submitted for government approval.
“We were told we could no longer say “God bless you” and “God bless your family,” said Marilyn Koepp, a volunteer with the National Memorial Ladies.
The group attends about 60 funerals a week to honor veterans and console families.
“How did I feel? I probably shouldn’t say how I felt because it was absolutely apalling that this woman would come aboard and tell us we can not say ‘God bless you,’” said Koepp.
Nobleton Jones felt belittled when he says a government official told him he couldn’t use the word “God” in his recitation to a family as he handed them a bag of shell casings from a gun salute.
“I tell the people, ‘We ask that God grant you and your family grace, mercy and peace,’ That forth has been censored,” said Jones.
Attorneys with the Liberty Institute began investigating last month after a local pastor won his fight to say his “Jesus” prayer at the cemetery’s Memorial Day ceremony.
“When we investigated we determined the government and the director are discriminating based upon religious viewpoint,” said Jeff Mateer, general counsel for Liberty Institute.
Ocasio couldn’t be reached for comment. Assistant U.S. Attorney Fred Hinrichs told the judge:
“We’re in the process of going through the claims. Some are true, and some are not true.”
What’s more, the veterans allege the VA turned the chapel into a meeting room shortly after the director came on board two years ago.
They say they won’t back down from the fight.
“I am going to say ‘God bless you’ until I don’t know what would make me ever stop it,” said Koepp.
So far the complaints appear to be isolated to the Houston National Cemetery. The government has until the middle of next month to respond to the allegations.
If you would like to express your displeasure at this censorship the number to the Houston VA Cemetery is 281-447- 8686. 

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Saying a lot of what needs to be said

There is a lot of “manure-spreading” taking place in our nation today about oil and food prices. I'm not kidding you and at the rate I’m seeing it being spread, we should break out in a harvest of mushrooms any day now, the likes of which the world has never seen.

Let me throw a fast ball at you first. REGUARDLESS OF HOW MUCH OIL YOU PUMP OUT OF THE GROUND, IF YOU CAN’T REFINE IT, CRUDE OIL IS NEXT TO USELESS FOR TODAY’S USE! The US has not built a new refinery in 30 plus years. NO, Ethel, the oil companies only control the ones now in service, the tree huggers control the ones yet to be built. This means we must tell our elected officials in Washington to give back the environmentalist bribes or get out of town. Next, tell the oil companies, “Set a realistic index of projected US needs, year by year, for the next 20 years. Make plans to refine to each needed yearly capacity in the next twelve to eighteen months.” Make sure the oil companies understand that THEY will fund the cost of any mess they make. ALL OF IT! Then, Drill here, Drill now and tell OPEC, “You sell oil for $136.00 a barrel. Fine, we no longer sell you wheat and corn for $7.00 a bushel. It’s now $136.00 a bushel. Can’t afford it? Tough! Eat your oil! Ought to go well with a nice thick grilled filet of camel rump!

Now, the curve ball. Tell the automobile industry, “STOP SITTING ON TOP OF TECHNOLOGY HIDDEN UNDER YOUR PATENTS!” “This violates our nations anti-trust laws (remember them) and they could be rescinded.” “This could open the market to a whole new transportation industry.” Give them eighteen months to show some real and meaningful accomplishments or the patents are gone and now they have the same twenty years to get their act together that the oil companies have.

Thirty years ago, my dad was showing me ideas he had on hydrogen converters for automobiles. They were not practical (because of size and weight) at that time for anything other than Trains. We discussed Solar, wind, water and Nuclear power. Now there is some other ideas whose time has come. The point is, this is NOT cutting edge technology, it’s been around for years. Thomas Edison told Henry Ford in 1907, “Give me five years and I’ll develop an electric car motor that won’t stink up the air and scare the ladies, children and horses.” (How many of you know that Thomas Edison gave Henry Ford his first real engineering job?) Henry Ford answered Mr. Edison that maybe one day in the future, but right now, he had a new plant in the works and it would be too costly to retool everything. Did you know that the US had supercharged two stroke diesel engines in some of our WWII tanks? Did you also know that in 1965, I drove a five ton truck to get my military driving license, that was called a “multi-fuel” because it would burn any grade of gas, any mixture of gas, diesel, alcohol, jet fuel, kerosene or paint thinner? Don’t try to convince me that General Motors can’t do this today. It will make me break out in mushrooms.

I talked to a fellow a few months back who is taking old cooking oil and motor oil and using it to produce diesel for all of his company vehicles and equipment in his own place. He said it’s costing him about $.28, (twenty eight cents) a gallon. Even with big government’s greedy hands and profit for the oil companies, we should be around $1.50 a gallon, tops. Did you know that a train has the capacity to move a ton of freight over four hundred miles with one gallon of fuel? Know any busses other than electric, that can do that? We were once the most resourceful nation of people on earth.

Back then there were no Hyphenated Americans. We understood that we were all in the same boat and there was plenty of room for everyone. The difference today is, “We now have all of these politically correct special sub-groups who have to have special treatment for one reason of perceived mistreatment or another. Drop the hyphen in front of American. What ever it was, It Happened - It Ended - Get over it! Get in the struggle to save our nation from our elected leaders.
Now the strike out pitch. NONE OF THIS WILL EVER COME TO PASS. THE DEMOCRATS ARE WORKING TO TURN US INTO SLAVES FOR THE INTERNATIONALIST (Read UN) AND THE REPUBLICANS ARE TRYING TO RAPE AND  STEAL ALL THEY CAN BEFORE THE DEMOCRATS ARE SUCCESSFUL. Our leaders are NOT going to stand up and take our nation back BECAUSE they KNOW we are NOT going to throw them out if they don‘t. Look at what they are doing to the greatest free nation of people that has ever existed in the history of mankind. I’m not saying that we can’t change the way it is, I’m saying we won’t. Almost all will silently continue to follow the bell cow to the slaughter house. A few will shout to the high heavens, but we will be drowned out by the cry for more free health care, someone feed, raise and educate my children while I fulfill myself. That is very sad because it makes true the old adage, “The world will not end with a bang, but with a whimper!”